How to Make Spoken English Better

Having linguistic skills is very necessary. The one who has linguistic skills can make everyone understand his thoughts and can make people follow him. Having strong linguistic skills make people attracted towards your conversation and listen to you. These days everyone wants to speak fluent English because English has become a global language. If you go to Africa or Nigeria, you may not know African or Nigerian Languages respectively then how are you going to survive there? Because without having linguistic expertise you won’t be able to communicate with anybody there and could not survive then you need a language which you and another person can be comfortable with and that is English. Every country in the whole world these days respects their mother tongue but also has the knowledge of English due to its global importance. But the problem is everyone can’t have linguistic skills required by any language. Most of the time people either don’t know the English language completely or they understand it but unable to speak fluent English and this frustrates them because English language has not only become a global medium of communication but also having its knowledge has become a symbol of status. So, the most common question arises is how to improve our spoken English? Let’s, discuss:
- Anything in this world gets perfection only by continuous practice, hence in this case also only continuous practice will work. A student or individual who wants to have fluent spoken English will have to speak as often as he gets the chance to speak in English. This madness is essential to have fluency in spoken English. This continuous practice creates that confidence in the speaker that he/she can speak fluent English in front of a foreigner even, very fluently.
- Gone are the days when a student had to mug up a whole book of many pages to memorize anything, now technology has made everything run on finger tips. The Internet can be accessed in a jiffy through android or smartphone and a student or individual can search information about anything within no time so students need to search more information and details of spoken English and learn there. They can also opt for various education apps like Mobile Teacher App. A student can get proper information about any topic on the Mobile Teacher App. Such apps can be operated on android phones easily.
- Listening is the best quality of an orator and a student because both need to learn continuously. Hence it is necessary for the student to listen matter of use like regarding learning Spoken English a learner needs to listen news bulletin in English, speeches in English, songs in English, try to understand it and if not able to, then pen down the difficult words and find out its Hindi meaning and pronunciation of those words.
- Studying literature is the best method of learning any language and its spoken method. So, it’s necessary to make your spoken English strong. You must study English literature and you can learn it online also where several English teachers teach online. These English teachers teach online and offline also, anyway you are convenient to learn. There they make you read the newspaper and magazine in a loud voice and clear pronunciation so that you can gain confidence enough to speak in English in front of anyone. Such practices give you a power booster to speak in English.
- Grammar is not a big deal of any language, the most important is to have a strong vocabulary of that language so you need to learn as many new words in English as you can learn on a daily basis and you need to learn Hindi meaning and its pronunciation too. Having an enriched vocabulary will make you speak fluent English soon.
- You can impart this practice in your entertainment such as watching Hollywood in English, making friends who can speak fluent English so that you can have proper practice and you can have debates on interesting topics with them which can bring entertainment as well as practice too with your peer group.
- You can also try this practice to make it your career by becoming a motivational speaker. You can think of thoughts in Hindi just you have to convert these thoughts in English and give a speech. For more improvement you can take help of a dictionary also whether offline or online.