How Can Dentists Help With Snoring Problems?

According to research, an average of 45% of adults snore occasionally and 25% do it regularly at a certain point in their lives. If you have snoring problems when you sleep, you are suffering from the dentist.
People mostly snore being overweight, drinking alcohol before sleeping, sleeping on their back, genetic factors, lack of muscle tone, enlarged tissue, narrowed nasal passage, and using sedatives to help sleep. Being overweight adds pressure to your airways that make you snore at night.
Taking alcohol before you sleep might irritate your throat. Genetic factors like having long uvula tissues near the airway can cause snoring. Having enlarged tissues due to tonsils or adenoids can make you snore. Narrowed nasal passages due to issues such as allergies can lead to soring.
The dentist will examine the condition state of your mouth, teeth, and throat, a sleep test accompanied with a detailed discussion to gather as much information on snoring risks as possible. The dentist can help you deal with snoring problems by:
Oral Appliances
The majority of times, the first treatment for snoring is oral appliance therapy. The oral appliances are placed in the mouth while sleeping. It is highly recommended for people with sleeping problems caused by blocked airways or those whose tongue goes back to the throat when you are sleeping. The oral appliance works by realigning the jaw and keeping the language still. Therefore, ensuring it prevents the tongue from moving and maintains the airway from blocking when you are sleeping.
Your sleep apnea snoring dentist will assist you in rightly fitting the oral device into your mouth during consultation. However, you can purchase your oral appliances over the counter in stores. Note that the oral appliances explicitly customized to fit your mouth will be more effective. The said devices are non-invasive, small, and portable. They are also very comfortable to put on while sleeping and do not cause stuffy noses or rashes when used.
It moves the lower teeth in front into a better position, and this will stop the soft tissues from blocking the airway and keep the tongue from moving to the back of the throat. The oral appliances do not just focus on reducing snoring but also assist in teeth grinding.
The oral appliances bought over the counter stores are less costly and widely available in most drugstores because they are created in one size to fit all types of solutions. The customized oral appliances are sleek and more comfortable than the one-size option.
To know if the oral appliance is the best fit for you as an individual, visit a dentist to access your unique needs and if it will be effective in correcting your snoring condition. People who participate in active sports or sports that involve physical contact will need a sturdier alternative.
A CPAP Device
For treatment of snoring problems, you can use a CPAP machine. CPAP stands for Continuous Positive Airway Pressure. For the patients who cannot stand CPAP, your doctor can recommend an alternative solution for you. CPAP machine is similar to a sports mouthguard.
An orthodontic retainer is an oral appliance customized to fit the mouth and is worn when sleeping. The CPAP moves the lower jaw a little bit forward and allows the airway to be open without any interference. The device fits above the mouth and joins the machine, regulating breathing and allowing smooth airflow while you sleep. Thus you will be able to breathe more comfortably, minimizing snoring.
The CPAP device comes in two kinds, the full face masks and the masks that fit over the nose and mouth only. The machines are mostly recommended for people with severe snoring cases and sleep apnea. Their large size makes them uncomfortable to wear when sleeping but is more effective than oral appliances.
Consistent use of the CPAP mask when sleeping will make you get used to the awkward sleeping and will eventually be able to sleep soundly with the mask on.
Ensure you see a dentist if you are encountering sleeping difficulties due to snoring. They will help you identify the cause of the sleeping problem and help you get a suitable solution to help overcome the snoring issues.