MT4 Trading Platform: Bringing Forex trading to the pocket

MT4 mobile applications have been around for a long time in Australia. They have been evolving since they reached the 1 million user mark. Downloads on the Google Play market and App Store are constantly increasing, and so are the number of brokerage firms that make the MT4 platform available to clients. In 2015, the MetaTrader application for iOS and Android got the award for best mobile application at the Finance Magnates London Summit Awards.
In 2016, Metakotes Software Co., Ltd. developers published new builds for MetaTrader 4 Android. Users chat on the platform to communicate with other MQL5 Community dealers. After releasing the MetaTrader Trading Platform, developers decided to display it on their PDA screens. Mobile terminals for long-distance trade have appeared. Read this article to learn how mobile apps help Australian traders.
Evolution of Mobile Commerce MetaTrader 4 Mobile Application
Since 2003, the MT4 platform has been available on different mobile devices in Australia. Currently, MT4 mobile apps have support on the most popular operating systems, Android and iOS. They have everything that traders need to make a successful transaction. The application is actively developing, with new builds being released regularly. Actions will be more convenient, functionality will be more efficient, and designs will be more modern with each upgrade. Step by step, the mobile app has received many features: technical indicators, push notifications, crosshair mode and more.
This window translates real-time quotes for financial transactions. Investors can view detailed information about prices easily. They can select detailed price information options to see the spread, ask and bid prices, high/low, and the time of the last price.
Charts-Chart Management
Charts occupy a significant part of the desktop. The controls are present between the toolbar at the top and the radial menu. The toolbar at the top consists of five elements.
It shows the price, date, and indicator value at any point on the trading chart. One must tap on the crosshair icon to move it to a point they want to. Dates and prices are displayed on the vertical and horizontal axes.
This function operates the indicator. The mobile application has 30 indicators divided into classes, including Trends, Oscillators, Volume Indicators and Bill Williams Indicators.
It helps traders see the chart for different currency pairs.
It helps select a time interval for trade. To change the time frame, one must click the Time Frame icon and select the time frame they desire from the drop-down list.
Order Management
It helps trade in the currency pair of the ongoing chart. To place a trading position on a financial asset, traders must tap the icon on the top toolbar.
Trading tab
It shows the status of the trader’s account (equity, balance, margin level), along with their position and pending orders. One can also manage trading orders and obtain information about each transaction and trading order. The history tab shows the talk or the transaction history.
It enables traders to filter their trades by time. To do this, they must click the calendar icon select the period they desire from the drop-down list.
This tab displays news and publications on numerous subjects and events in the industry. The list automatically gets an update in the press release. The news tan in MT4 platform news has two categories: messages and push notifications. Through these traders can receive news about various events and updates in the palm of their hands. For example, the MetaTrader 4 Trading bot will notify them when a new trading signal is open.