Cook delicious food!

A pan has gained its rightful place among the cult of housewares as the essential pots and pans. It’s adaptable and typically irreplaceable, despite its name: Every commercial kitchen has one, or every home kitchen requires them as well. The saucepan has a long and illustrious history in kitchens, as does its superior relative, the saucier.
It can be made of stainless steel, iron, aluminium, nonstick, and various other materials. Whatever the case may be, the premise remains the same: It’s designed to handle a wide range of liquids.
The shape
The form of this pan is distinct: It’s a deep container with bevelled edges and straight corners, as well as a wide handle and, more often than not, a cover. Because its total area is tiny compared to its height, heat is spread evenly throughout the fluid in the pan.
This pan is mainly used for cooking on the cooking top. It comes in different sizes, the most common being 2-3 quart pans. It is not as huge as a stockpot or a oven, but it’s deep and narrow, unlike a pan used for frying. In addition, it is higher and thinner than a saute pan.
One of the key selling features of this pan is its height, which allows a large amount of liquid to be kept in a compact space. Furthermore, the size of the pan avoids liquid leakage, which is common in other pans. For example, boiling in a skillet would be untidy and perhaps hazardous, especially if you meant to move it. Due to its design, this pan, on the other hand, avoids similar issues. Kitchen Infinity provided a complete Mosen pan analysis that covered the nonstick, metal, and carbon fibre pan if you’re curious about some of our most popular pans.
Anything liquid is said to cook better in this pan. This means it’s fantastic for stewing, simmering, broths, and, also, sauces like pasta sauce. They’re not excellent for producing stocks or vast quantities of soup or stew because they’re usually in the 2-3 gallon range; the enormous stockpot is better for that. On the other hand, this pan is ideal for creating smaller batches.
Boiling for a tiny portion of pasta is a necessary chore frequently assigned to saucepans. It’s also great for potato salad, risotto, lentils, and any other food that needs to be boiled.
In a pinch, this pan could be used to saute if it’s oven-safe. This pan could also be used as a little Dutch oven if it has a lid. On the other hand, a nonstick-coated pot should never be used in the range.
What Should You Look for When Buying a Saucepan?
Because a pan is frequently exposed to intense heat, you’ll need one that can withstand it. You’ll also want a non-reactive metal because these pans are commonly used for cooking acidic items like sauce or soup. Hence, steel is the best option: Stainless steel is non-reactive and can withstand extremely high temperatures. It fulfils both of those requirements. Furthermore, because steel is dishwasher safe, you will be enabled to use it repeatedly without damaging it.
Become saucy
You’ll like its various applications and versatility whether you use a pan or our recommended saucier. It will rapidly be among your most-used culinary equipment, allowing you to prepare a wide range of meals, from pudding to consommé. When picking a saucepan, look for something substantial that can withstand repeated uses — and ensure to care for it properly. Your pans will love you back if you love them.