Fertility Assessment in Males and Females

Trying to conceive without success can be very frustrating. It can even lead to issues with your partner, especially if you don’t know the problem and which person is affected. There are also so many infertility issues, and one should visit an infertility clinic in Singapore for guidance. Below we’ll explain the process of assessing infertility in both males and females.
Fertility screening is done for couples who haven’t gotten pregnant after a period of about one year of regular unprotected intercourse. The aim of the screening is to find out exactly what is hindering them from getting pregnant. The screening is done by a gynecologist on both males and females. The screening is done on both males and females because the factors affecting pregnancy can be in any of them or both.
Male Infertility
Male infertility is caused by two main factors; when the production of healthy sperms is affected or when the produced sperms aren’t properly transported.
The symptoms include low sperm count, low-quality sperms, low testosterone, erectile dysfunction, or blocked sperm ducts.
Female Infertility
Female infertility can be caused by issues in producing a healthy egg, if the transportation of the egg from the ovaries to the womb has an issue or when the embryo can’t implant itself on the uterine wall.
Egg production can be caused by hormonal imbalances caused by stress or occurring naturally. The egg can fail to be transported from the ovary to the uterus if the fallopian tubes are blocked. Implantation on the uterine wall can be hindered by the occurrence of fibroids, endometriosis, polyps, or cysts on the uterine wall.
When you visit an infertility clinic in Singapore, the gynecologist will perform the following to understand infertility more:
1. Taking of History
The gynecologist will ask you several questions to know more about you. They might ask about medical conditions and previous pregnancies. The gynecologist might also ask you how often you engage in coitus and for what period. As much as it’s uncomfortable for some people, you must be as open as possible.
2. Ultrasound Screening
The main aim of ultrasound screening is to check for abnormalities like fibroids, polyps, or endometriotic masses. Depending on what the specialist finds suitable, the ultrasounds can be done trans-abdominally or trans-vaginally.
3. Blood Tests
These are mostly done for the female to investigate the hormones and establish any hormonal imbalance issues.
4. Checking the Fallopian Tubes
Fallopian tubes are checked through a Hysterosalpingogram (HSG). A catheter is inserted into the womb through the vagina, and medical dye is pumped through it. An ultrasound is then done to see the womb, fallopian tubes, and ovaries.
5. Sperm Test for The Male
The man will collect his semen in a bottle and send it to the lab for analysis. Sperm count, sperm structure, and sperm motility are investigated.
Depending on the assessment results, the gynecologist will advise you further. They’ll confirm if there’s indeed a problem and if it’s treatable. They’ll then advise the couple on the various fertility treatment methods.
If planning to visit an infertility clinic in Singapore, a couple is encouraged to go together for the initial consultation. If it’s hard to get some time together, the woman should go for the screening as soon as possible and avoid delays.