What Exactly Are Diamonds?

Have you ever wondered how diamonds are made or where they come from?
A diamond is the purest gemstone and the oldest thing you will ever own. It is also the symbol of love. A diamond is Forever, and diamonds are eternal.
Diamonds are the transparent form of pure carbon, mineral, & a natural crystalline substance.
Diamonds have a unique set of characteristics. Diamonds have a wide range of colors, high refraction, high fire dispersion, low chemical reactivity, rarity, extreme hardness, and durability.
Diamonds are known as the “king of gems” because of their gleaming, dazzle, and purity.
The oldest thing you will ever be able to own is a diamond. They are estimated to be around 3 billion years old and two-thirds the age of the Earth.
For our technological society, a diamond is a strategic and high-tech super material. As we all know that for April diamond is the birthstone.
A diamond is made up of only one element, carbon. And its amazing properties are due to the arrangement of C atoms in the lattice.
Diamond and graphite are both made up entirely of carbon.
But, a rearrangement of the way a diamond’s atoms is bonded together. Causing a diamond to be the hardest known material and graphite to be one of the softest known materials.
The carbon atoms in diamonds are arranged in a regular three-dimensional lattice with a crystalline pattern. The cubic or ‘isometric’ crystal system is home to diamonds.
Octahedron (8 faces), Cube (6 faces), and Dodecahedron are the most common crystal structures or arrangements (12 faces).
A diamond is an ultimate gemstone, with few flaws and numerous advantages.
Diamonds are the hardest substance found in nature. But only a few people realize that they are four times harder than corundum. The hardest natural mineral, which includes sapphires and rubies.
Natural diamonds are formed deep within the Earth’s mantle layer, about 180 kilometers below the surface. Where high temperatures and pressures exist, from the element carbon.
Diamonds can be found at depths of 300-400 kilometers or even deeper, but they are extremely rare.
Molten rock, metals, and other materials make up the earth’s mantel. At this depth, the temperature is extremely high, ranging between 1100 & 1400 degrees C.
The weight of 180 kilometers of rocks pressing down creates the high pressures required to form diamonds.
Aside from carbon, very small amounts of other substances like nitrogen and sulphur can become trapped in the crystal as it forms in the mantel.
These impurities can give the diamond color. The type and level of impurities found in natural diamonds are used to classify them.
Diamonds gather light within themselves and then send it back in a shower of fire and brilliance when cut to proper proportions. This is due to their unique internal structure and light reflection powers.
The amount of light reflected back to the viewer is considered the ‘life’ of a polished diamond.
‘Life’ can also be referred to as ‘brilliance.’ The brilliance of a diamond will be increased if it is cut with good proportions.
The surface gloss of a polished diamond is referred to as lustre. The play of colours visible from the crown of a polished diamond is called fire.
Light is refracted and broken up into the colours of the spectrum as it enters the diamond and is reflected back. ‘Fire’ is the term for the rainbow-like colour flashes that result.
A diamond’s hardness is an important characteristic. It has a wide range of applications as an industrial tool, and modern industry is heavily reliant on it.
Its resistance to scratching and abrasion as a gemstone ensures that a finished gem maintains its brilliance and polish.
A diamond polishes very slowly due to its hardness and the unique way in which it is made.
It has an ‘adamantine’ surface that is flat and finely polished, with very sharp, straight edges between facets. A diamond’s polish is unmatched by any other gemstone.
Because of its packed crystal structure, diamond has the highest coefficient of thermal conductivity of any other known substance, allowing it to conduct heat very quickly.
Diamonds have a thermal conductivity five times greater than copper. This explains why, when you first pick up a diamond, it feels cold to the touch but quickly warms up due to the heat of your fingers.
Only about a fifth of all mined diamonds are gem quality. To recover one rough diamond from the world’s thinning diamond deposits, 40 to 250 tonnes of gravel and sand must be processed today.
According to leading experts and scientists, the world’s natural diamond reserves will be depleted in 30 to 40 years.
75-80% of all diamonds mined are used for industrial purposes like drilling, grinding, and sawing.
The rest is put towards jewelry or investments. Only about 2% of all diamonds mined are of such high quality that they can be considered investment grade.
A one-carat gem-quality diamond requires on average 250 tonnes of ore to mine and process.
Sorters examine rough diamonds after the mining operation is completed. Separating them into small piles based on shape, size, and quality, a time-consuming and laborious process.
Diamonds were discovered in human hands for the first time 3,000 years ago in India.
Diamonds were used as talismans to ward off evil and protect the wearer in battle there.
Diamonds were also used as an engraving tool by the ancient Chinese, Greeks, and Romans.
While diamonds had a mystical aura about them due to their scarcity and difficulty in obtaining them. Many ancient cultures believed they had magical properties.
The term “diamond” comes from the Greek word “adamas,” which means “unconquerable,” and refers to the eternal nature of love.
The Egyptian belief that the vena amoris (love vein) ran directly from the heart to the top of the third finger. That is why a woman wears an engagement ring on her left hand’s third finger.
Many of the rarest diamonds appear in shades of pink, blue, green, amber, or even red due to rare natural occurrences.
These diamonds are known as “Fancy” diamonds and are graded according to a different set of color criteria.
Due to their extreme rarity, fancy-colored diamonds such as red, pink, blue, green, and purple are the most expensive.
De Beers began using the slogan “a diamond is forever” in its advertising around the middle of the twentieth century.
You will have learned a lot about jewelry after reading a few posts (Diamond Blog Vlog)and will be able to see the results while shopping for jewellery.
Diamonds are now strongly associated with engagement rings and eternal love as a result of their campaign’s success.
It is the purest of the earth’s gemstones because it is the only gem mineral composed of a single element.
As a result, the diamond engagement ring is the perfect symbol of eternal love, as it is the purest and most brilliant of all the world’s gemstones