The Vaccinated Travel Lane Checklist

Ever wonder how many people get to travel problem-free and pose for a social media-worthy picture? Well, that is because they already had their VTL checklist made before they even planned the trip.
While the pandemic has stopped us from going outside to travel for almost three years, it does not mean we should stop living our lives to the fullest. The new normal way of travelling means there are now specific ways that you can go and have a trip to your dream destination.
Living with COVID and adapting to the new normal setup is not horrible if you look on the bright side. This VTL guide will teach you about the vaccinated travel lane checklist and other requirements needed to travel smoothly.
Check the Checklist According to Your Status.
We all know that not everyone is vaccinated, and some age groups are not available for vaccination yet. However, you do not need to worry about not having to travel when you and your companions are vaccinated or unvaccinated because there are always ways to fly across the world.
Below is the separate checklist for vaccinated and unvaccinated travellers that you should know.
If You Are Vaccinated, Follow This
Anyone, whether a permanent resident or a citizen of Singapore, arriving in Singapore by air, land, or water should go through the following procedures.
- 100% vaccination coverage with the WHO EUL COVID-19 vaccine; or
- Those who were born in or after 2010 (those who are under the age of 12 according to their year of birth) and who have not yet received all of their recommended vaccinations
Those who have completed their vaccination schedules should follow these instructions to ensure a smooth and trouble-free journey. One dosage of Janssen/J & J, or two doses of AstraZeneca/Moderna/Pfizer/BioNTech/Sinovac/Sinopharm, is required for travellers to be deemed fully vaccinated. Vaccination after recovery and mixed-dose administration of certain WHO EUL vaccines are also permitted.
So here are the steps you should know.
Prepare Your Vaccination Proof
Ensure you have the documentation for the COVID-19 vaccine for pre-boarding and immigration checks if you were born in or before 2009 (i.e., if you are 13 or older by year of birth).
The TraceTogether and HealthHub mobile apps will show whether or not you were vaccinated against COVID-19 in Singapore. If you are unable to verify your immunization history using one of these apps, you can do so via:
- Using the VCP to receive an acceptance letter after submitting vaccination records or presenting a physically issued vaccination certificate from the MOH
Suppose you had your COVID-19 vaccination outside of Singapore and have a Digitally Verifiable Vaccination Certificate (DVC) from one of the countries or areas specified here. In that case, you can use the Vaccination Check Portal to confirm its authenticity (VCP).
Please note that VCP is not required for entry. Passengers whose DVC was successfully validated through VCP can use their vaccination acceptance letter to speed up the boarding process and immigration procedures.
You can show proof of vaccination with a vaccination certificate (including a certificate on a vaccination app) if you don’t have a DVC or if you’re having trouble verifying your certificate on VCP despite following the steps in this guide. The certificate must be in English or include a notarized English translation.
- Name (per travel document used for entry)
- At least one other personal identifier, e.g., date of birth or passport number (per travel document used for entry),
- The name of the vaccine(s) administered
- Vaccination date(s)
Also, suppose you have been to any of the Yellow Fever-Risk Areas in Africa or Latin America. In that case, you must have a Yellow Fever Vaccination Certificate, or you may be denied entry to Singapore or subject to a 6-day quarantine.
Make Sure You Have Your Additional Entry Documents.
For pre-boarding and immigration clearance, the following classes of travellers should have the additional documents listed below ready. Your passport’s expiration date must be at least six months in the future.
For visitors or tourists without a Singapore Long-Term Pass
If you are a citizen of or hold travel documents from a country or region that requires a visa to enter the United States, you must apply for an Entry Visa. You can find more information online or by contacting your country’s embassy.
For Drivers of Foreign-Registered Vehicles Entering by Land
Vehicle Entry Permit (VEP) acceptance email, Autopass card, and auto insurance must all be in good standing. Singapore’s land checkpoints do not offer VEP, insurance, or Autopass services.
Fill in the SG Arrival Card up to 3 days before arrival.
You should postpone your departure if you’ve developed any signs of COVID-19 in the last week before your trip. These symptoms may include a high temperature, a hacking cough, a stuffy nose, a sore throat, and a diminished sense of smell or taste.
If that is not the case, you have till you arrive in Singapore to fill out your SG Arrival Card (SGAC). The Singapore Arrival Card (SGAC) is a no-cost, easy way to declare your travel and health information upon arrival in the country. If you are a Singaporean citizen, permanent resident, or holder of a long-term pass and are entering the country via land, you do not need to present your SGAC.
The SGAC completion email is proof that the course has been finished and speeds up the immigration and boarding processes.
Immigration Clearance in Singapore
If you qualify, you should use the automated clearance gates.
Today, immigration stamps will no longer be placed in travellers’ passports. After clearing arrival immigration, short-term foreign visitors will be issued an e-Pass (i.e., Visit Pass) through email. This pass will indicate the length of time they are permitted to remain in the country. You will receive your e-Pass at the email address you provided when submitting your SGAC application.
If you did not get your e-Pass after completing immigration clearance, you could access it through this online service by entering your DE Number that was provided to you in your SGAC acknowledgement email.
If you exhibit symptoms upon arrival, law enforcement may order you to submit a COVID-19 test, among other measures. Each COVID-19 Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) Test and Antigen Rapid Test (ART) will set you back $138 and $30, respectively.
Local Health Protocols and Maintenance of Vaccination Status
Local Health Protocols
Visitors who are 12 years old or younger or have proof of vaccination are not required to undergo COVID-19 testing or quarantine. The most up-to-date public health regulations must be followed, though. For example, in places where vaccinations are different, people can use the TraceTogether app on their phones to check their vaccination status and find their missing loved ones.
Maintaining Vaccination Status
When entering Singapore, you will be asked to verify that you are fully vaccinated if you get a vaccination while abroad. The TraceTogether app will show your new vaccination status for up to 30 days.
If You Are Unvaccinated

This list is for all visitors to Singapore, including Singaporean citizens and permanent residents who are at least 13 years old and coming from any country or region by air, land, or sea. This includes Singaporean citizens and permanent residents.
- Failure to get the complete series of WHO EUL vaccinations for COVID-19; or
- medically ineligible for the COVID-19 vaccine.
Pre-Departure Requirements
If you haven’t gotten all of the recommended shots, you won’t be able to go to Singapore unless you have special permission.
For family members of a Singapore Citizen/Permanent Resident, including adopted children, holding a Dependant’s Pass In-Principle Approval
- Apply for entry through the SafeTravel Office Application Portal at least four days before you plan to arrive.
Long-Term Passholders with a MOE or MOM who are medically ineligible for vaccines
- Students with valid Student Travel Documents (STP), Students with valid STP In-Principle Approvals, and Eligible Immediate Family Members
- This application form needs to be sent in at least one week before the planned entry date.
Long-Term Pass Issued by MOM
- To gain entrance, please submit an exemption request in advance. The approval of your request is required.
Holders of Permanent Resident In-Principle Approval (IPA) or ICA Long-Term Visit Pass IPA
- Apply for entry through the SafeTravel Office Application Portal at least four days before you plan to arrive.
For foreigners without a Singapore Long-Term Pass
- In the event of COVID-19 while abroad, obtain at least S $30,000 in medical coverage. You can get insurance from a company established in Singapore or elsewhere.
- If you have a passport from one of the countries or areas that requires a visa to enter the United States, you will need to apply for an entry visa.
Submit your Singapore Arrival Card up to three days before your arrival.
You should postpone your departure if you’ve developed any signs of COVID-19 in the last week before your trip. These symptoms may include a high temperature, a hacking cough, a stuffy nose, a sore throat, and a diminished sense of smell or taste.
If that is not the case, you have till you arrive in Singapore to fill out your SG Arrival Card (SGAC). The Singapore Arrival Card (SGAC) is a no-cost, easy way to declare your travel and health information upon arrival in the country. The SGAC completion email is proof that the course has been finished and speeds up the immigration and boarding processes.
COVID-19 Pre-Departure Test (PDT)
If you have tested positive for COVID-19 between 14 and 90 days before your date of departure from Singapore, you are not obliged to take a Pre-Departure Test (PDT).
Otherwise, take any of the following COVID-19 tests within two days of departure.
Secure Stay Home Notice (SHN) Accommodation for at least seven days.
You will be issued a 7-day Stay Home Notice (SHN) upon arrival. You must spend the entire week in the SHN lodge you have designated.
Make reservations at one of the following for your SHN to stay at least seven days:
- Living quarters (other than dorms for employees);
- Inn, or Serviced Apartment
- You may select a hotel from the following list, which is not meant to be exhaustive.
Arrival Requirements
Immigration Clearance
Follow arrival instructions and signage for proper clearance lanes and produce all documentation, including test results, if requested by an immigration officer.
Immigration won’t stamp passports.
After clearing immigration, short-term foreign visitors will receive an e-Pass (Visit Pass) email stating their stay period. SGAC will send the e-Pass to the email address provided. If a traveller didn’t get their e-Pass after they cleared immigration, they could use this e-service to get it by using the DE number sent to them in the SGAC acknowledgement email.
Commute to declared Stay-Home Notice (SHN) accommodation
After immigration clearance
- You will receive a 7-day Stay-Home Notice (SHN) by email;
- Use private transit, taxis (including street-hailed taxis), or a private-hire automobile to reach your SHN lodging. Public transportation (trains, buses) is banned.
Stay-Home Notice and COVID-19 Testing Requirements
The 7-day Stay Home Notice automatically quarantines you. Remain in your declared SHN accommodation during the designated term unless:
- directed by the appropriate authority to vacate your lodging; or
- scheduled to take your mandatory SHN-exit COVID-19 Polymerase Chain Reaction Test (PCR Test).
Comply with local health protocols.
Continue with your journey after SHN. However, following public health measures, including using TraceTogether to trace contacts and show vaccination status in VD situations (VDS).
Final Thoughts
It shouldn’t be nearly as difficult as you think it is to follow these checklists. You can use this checklist to guide you through the process of travelling either within or outside of the country.