Check Valves Buying Guide: Types And Applications

Check valve is a device that allows fluids to flow in only one direction. It has two ports that serve as inlets, and the other to output the media. Because they allow the flow of media in only one direction, they’re often called ‘one-way valves or ‘nonreturn valves. The primary function of the check valve is to stop backflow.
Different Types Of Check Valves
Ball check valves
Ball Check Valve supersedes the disk device commonly used to stop the flow by introducing the ball based on gravity. When the flow is pressured, the ball will rise up and out of the outlet of the pipe. When the pressure drops to a sufficient level, the ball will fall back to its original position, stopping the flow.
Globe Valve
These kinds of valves can be utilized to regulate the flow of water in pipelines. Globe valves are made up of the movable disk-type element; they also feature a stationary seating ring in a globe-shaped body.
Dual Plate Check Valves
It is also called the butterfly valve or double door, and the double-door dual check valve plate has a disc split into two parts along a central line. Two entrances can swing open to permit forward flow, or stop backflow. Lightweight and compact, the check valve is commonly used for gas and low-pressure liquid applications.
Lift Check Valves
This kind of valve is used for applications that require high-pressure services. It is efficient with the high-speed flow; lift check valves can be used vertically or horizontally (in upward flowing channels). Different types of lift check valves comprise pistons or ball valves. Lift checks provide more resistance to leaks.
Piston Check Valves
We can say this valve is a kind of lift valve. The valve can be shut or opened through the pressure (or absence of pressure) flowing in the tube. The force of gravity forces the valve’s weight into a closed position when the flow reverses.
Stop Check Valves
This valve gives you the advantage of both check valves and globe valves. It allows override control regardless of the flow direction. Although some types depend on gravity, this stop check valve can be shut off with an outside mechanism. This kind of valve can help protect equipment from damage like boilers and pumps.
Swing Check Valves
A typical check valve keeps its disc away from the way while the material flows. The disc can swing back above the pipes when being used. This is why the swing check valves close gradually. They are commonly used in areas with excessive solids content, and less on/off cycle counts.
Tilting Disc Check Valves
It is available in a lug or wafer design, and the valve features a disc that tilts up in constant pressure from the flow of fluid. As the flow rate decreases, it will return to the closed position. The disc is floating across the media once the flow forward is sufficient to overpower the tension of the spring.
Applications Of Check Valves
Check valves serve to stop backflow and keep pressure. They are typically used for an emergency backup if pumps fail to ensure that reciprocating and compressor pumps function and in the event that the pressure of the system exceeds the capabilities of the leading equipment. Check valves are commonly found in refining, chemical, petrochemical, and chemical industries—oilfield production and steam, water refining petroleum, and viscous fluids. Check valves can also be located in wastewater management systems, the manufacturing process, and aquaculture, i.e., a fish float farm to handle the flow of water.
Things To Consider When Buying Check Valves

For the best performance, it’s essential to select the valve that meets the requirements of the specific installation.
- Fluid
Check valves are all devised to control and manage wastewater. However, handling raw wastewater or sewage can create some problems. When choosing a valve to take these fluids, it is essential to be aware of how the presence of solids could affect the valve’s performance.
- Flow characteristics
If a check valve shuts exceptionally quickly, it can keep it from closing completely. However, this fast closing will not shield against surges that result from pumps being shut down. If the valve is opened (and closes) rapidly, the flow can be changed abruptly, and surges are more likely to occur.
- Cost of ownership total
The cost of your check valve might include more than the purchase price. In some cases, the direct expenses could be the purchase and installation, but in other instances, the maintenance or energy cost could be just as or higher. When you consider the cost as a criterion to select checking valves, all costs for the lifetime of the valve must be considered. The simpler the valve’s construction is the fewer requirements for maintaining it.
Check valves play an essential function in handling high flow in high-performance pipes. The right choice of the check valve can increase the efficiency of the piping system and improve the safety of operations. You should consider the buying guide points every time while purchasing the valve. Along with this, also check YoonPak for custom packaging of products.