Everything about T-shirts

T-shirts are great options for both men and women. Everyone wants to avail themselves a good pair of this with nice color and design. A Tee is the coolest and yet attractive form of dress that can look attractive if paired with nice pair of bottoms. Not only this choosing nice T-shirts, which have a unique color and design also plays a great factor to provide the final look. Men and women both prefer this type of clothing as this is cool, comfortable, funky, and can also give a hot-shot look. Not only this it can perfectly go well as occasional and formal wears.
The clothing market is huge and it is also available in various styles, designs, patterns, and many more. A person can avail of this both from the online or offline platform. However, choosing the right size and fitting is important.
These are also known as Tee shirts and were first worn by men under a shirt. Nowadays both genders feel comfortable wearing this. Now various forms are added to it including short-sleeve, long sleeve, collarless, outer shirt, and undershirt as well. The name, however, was mainly given as it depicts the shape of the letter T.
How to avail a T-shirt?
While availing of a T-shirt a person should focus on the following points:
- Length- You should opt for a Tee that is perfect for your body. Furthermore, perfect length describes the length of the Tee that is up to the belt length.
- Neckline- Choose a t-shirt that has a smooth neckline and can glide easily from your head.
- Fit- Fitting also plays a very big role in deciding your overall look. You should not opt for a Tee that has too tight or too loose-fitting. However, choose one that gives an accurate shape of your body. You should measure twice to check the size of your body.
- Sleeves- You should opt for a Tee that has a sleeve that does not exceed the bicep area of the arm.
- Shoulders- The end of the shoulder should be perfectly aligned with the sleeve.
What things you should look after while designing a t-shirt?
Unlike choosing a Tee, designing a Tee is also important. However, a person should follow the below tips while designing a T-shirt.
- Size
At the time of printing, you should focus on the size of the t-shirt. The size is a matter of concern because a design can make a t-shirt look more large or small so you have to give a certain focus to it.
- Placement
Sometimes a wrong positioning can change the whole meaning and look of the t-shirt. You should always avoid a belly-printed T-shirt as it can highlight your belly buttocks more intensely.
- Typography and Fonts
Choose the writing very carefully. Quotes printed Tee provides a different kind of vibe to the audience. So in the case of T-shirt printing, you should choose a print with an attractive writing style and amazing fonts.
- Composition
Each design contains its elements that are arranged concerning one another to reflect a more positive and attractive vibe. You should avoid a composition that is too bunched up or too spaced out.
- Quality of the print
Quality is another highly important factor. If your t-shirt has a bad quality then it might not only look dull or might also seem that you have bought it from a cheap store. Image quality ensures more depth and naturally catches the eye o0f other persons as well.
- Colors and contrast
A good contrast of colors feels like bliss to the eyes but mixing all colors can similarly give a horrifying treat to the eye as well. Tee with halftone color prints look amazing and you can opt for that.
- Inversion
Inversion is a highly attractive kind of printing and goes best with white prints on black. You should choose the print while looking at the inversion techniques done on the Tee
- Details
There are a lot of times when the details of the t-shirt can change the whole look and meaning of the print. Details can include the border and lining of the print. You should check out the details while buying a t-shirt indeed.
As the market is a vast platform, you might get confused. You can opt for MakemyApparel and can further enjoy the best unique prints in your closet.