Ultimate Guide to Buy A New Water Purifier

Well, it is very obvious that when you invest in an appliance, you would want it worth every penny, isn’t it? Especially when you are buying a water purifier imbibed with advanced features, it will surely be expensive. So before buying it, you need to ensure that you have spent your money wisely. Needless to say, when it comes to drinking water, we would never want to compromise with the quality of water.
So if you are wondering what the factors you need to consider before installing a water purifier in your home are, read through this article as we will be discussing a lot of things associated with choosing the perfect water purifier in detail. We will also talk about when to contact water purifier service centers if your appliance malfunctions. For instance, water purifier service Greater Noida provides its customers with prompt services, so you can contact them if needed. So let’s dig into some of the important factors associated with choosing water purifiers!
Identify The Water Type: Hard Water Vs. Soft Water
If you are about to install a new water purifier, you must know what kind of water you receive in your homes from treatment plants. Is it the hard water with lots of iron and impurities or the soft water with less of these impurities?
As you know, water can be classified into two types based on dissolved solids– hard water and soft water.
So always check the TDS level of your water supply. If it ranges between 150-300 ppm, then it falls under the category of soft water. However, if it has a TDS level of more than 500 ppm, it is considered hard water. So before installing a water purifier, always make it a point to contact the service centers to measure the TDS level and select the purifier accordingly. For instance, RO service providers have experts who readily help you out in these cases.
What Are The Different Types Of Impurities That You Commonly Find In Drinking Water?
It is not surprising that the water we receive from our treatment plants has traces of impurities, leading to severe diseases if consumed. These impurities usually depend on the source along with the medium through which the water is distributed.
Mostly, you will find impurities like chemicals, harmful pollutants, and other impurities like bacteria, viruses, etc. In addition, undissolved solids like sand, mud, dissolved inorganic salts like sodium, potassium, etc., are also present in that water. Therefore, you need to be cautious and choose the best kind of water purifier.
Usually, our source of water is either from lakes, rivers, or harvested rainwater. Generally, they have low TDS in comparison to water from bore wells. On the other hand, our groundwater supply or borewell generally has a high TDS level because of harmful chemicals like lead, arsenic, etc. Therefore, you need to keep a check on your water supply before deciding on which water purifier would be suitable for you.
Purifiers And The Types
Nowadays, there are a lot of advanced water purifiers that you can choose from. However, you need to consider the above factors before making a decision. People most commonly prefer water purifiers with reverse osmosis technology, ultrafiltration, and ultraviolet purification because of their advanced features.
They are manufactured in such a way that they ensure you get the purest form of water. If you are worried about managing problems in the appliance, reputed service centers like Aquaguard service Delhi have experts who will reach your house at one call and handle the issues. So if you are wondering which could be the best purifier for your home, take a look at the most commonly used advanced purifiers:
Reverse Osmosis Purifiers
Nowadays, the most popularly used water purifier is the RO water purifier. But why do people prefer it so much? Well, needless to say, that RO water purifiers have a unique purification system that ensures that you drink the purest water.
The mechanism of this advanced purifier is somewhat different from the usual purifiers, which makes the difference. Here, the water naturally flows from a low concentration area to a higher concentration through the membrane. Thus, it is the pores of the membrane that purifies the impurities from the water. Moreover, various water purifier companies provide excellent RO service to their customers.
Ultraviolet Purification
You can understand from the name itself that this particular purifier uses UV purification techniques to purify the impure source water. But, do you know this purifier works by penetrating high-intensity UV rays on water? So, yes, it is by this mechanism that it kills bacteria and viruses.
However, UV purifiers are unable to remove any dissolved or undissolved impurities or chemicals from water. Therefore, many of them use some sort of external sediment pre-filters to get this job done. In addition, they also use an activated carbon filter to remove traces of chlorine and some dissolved particles.
Therefore, this kind of purifier is generally used in areas where the water has low TDS levels.
The mechanism of this advanced water purifier is somewhat similar to RO purifiers. Purifiers that are imbibed with UF technology also use a semi-permeable membrane to purify the impure water. But the difference lies in UF purifiers that use a membrane with much larger pores than RO purifiers.
However, using this kind of purifier can work without electricity because of these large pores in the membrane. As a result, water can easily pass through by the force of gravity.
Summing it Up
The above factors will probably help you decide which is the most suitable purifier for your home. However, as you know, the biggest criteria to make this decision is to know about the kind of source water that you receive in your home. Accordingly, you can choose.